Floatation tank experience

I had the strangest experience of my life today.
I did the floatation tank/isolation chamber/ sensory deprevation tank today. Not sure if ive told you about this before. Its like a rectangular tank…filled with a bit of water…dense with epsom salt and the temp. is the same as your body….so….when you lie down..naked…you float automatically….feels weigthless….the water doesnt feel like water…….feels like space..plasma….you close the door….its completely dark…no sound…nothing…..
imagine that….
One hour session.

I saw colourful spiralling tunnels….had some very vivid thoughts…….i basically observed my unconcious thought process. You know this statistic…i dont remember clearly..but…something like the number of thoughts you have in a day…some thousand or something…around 50,000 (my source is not scientific). Whatever, i saw that chain of thought process….how one thing instantly triggers another…..the amount of garbage thoughts that are in our head……..the need for meditation to calm down our brain……. it was quite amazing…. to realize how everything…everything in life affects your way of thinking….. you may think when you see something as useless or you may not register it consciously, but your unconscious remembers it…and thinks about it….affects your judgements and decision making.  I think i consciously experienced the brain activity when you are sleeping, not REM sleep though. REM sleep is a DMT trip. (DMT is one of the most powerful psychedelic substance found in plants and trees, used by shamans all around the world, and yes..the pineal gland in our brain produces large doses of DMT every night when we sleep, wont go into details)(its a whole different topic). It does however feel like a dream because, once you get out, you cant remember exact thoughts or it gradually fades away. Just like a dream, and when you wake up in the morning, not able to remember details after a few minutes. (Thats your body trying to ‘protect’ you from the huge dose of DMT)

When you move, it feels soo heavy because you get used to the weightlessness. This is soo good for people experiencing constant pain as it can provide relief and allow the body to heal by itself and re-align naturally. Afterwards, you will feel a sense of peace you might not have felt in a while.

I had taken some herbs before doing it, which obviously enhanced the experience. I did this a month ago. So this was my second time. The first time, took a while to get used to it, and also..they forgot to turn off the water filter, so the water was not completely still.

I would highly recommend a floatation tank as it can really help you physically and mentally. I can imagine it being the best way to unwind from a day of work instead of drinking yourself to oblivion.The floatation tanks should be used for psychological healing and studies. It has a vast potential for healing, yet it is something rarely anyone knows about. It is however gaining popularity, which is good. I found out about it from a podcast of Joe Rogan, the host of fear factor. He has one in his basement.

I hope you get to experience this someday. There should be a floatation tank near you, they are generally in spa’s. Or maybe some psychological department of a University.

Its a mind altering experience if you wish to explore consciousness.

(Image: Thats not the tank i tried, the one i tried is not a fancy and futuristic looking :P)



~ by aadharesk on September 2, 2011.

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